Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Less is more: How to improve your vocabulary

Less is more: How to improve your vocabulary

Results that Move You!
Patti Lee ... Results that Move You!

It may seem counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is by eliminating words, rather than adding new ones. There are many words we use every day that are either unnecessary or overused. By removing these words from your vocabulary you can become a better writer and conversationalist.
Really and very: We use these two words all the time, but what do they really add? Instead of adding “really” or “very” in front of an adjective, think of a better adjective. Instead of it being “really hot” outside, say it’s “scorching.”
Amazing: If we say that just about everything is “amazing,” it removes all meaning from the word. If everything is amazing, then nothing is amazing! Instead, use less common synonyms like stunning, marvelous, or incredible.
Literally: Think of how often you hear the word “literally” each day, and then consider how often it’s used incorrectly. Most of the time what someone actually means is “figuratively,” so adjust your vocabulary accordingly.
