Thursday, June 13, 2024

100 Things Listing Agents Do for Their Clients

listing presentation clients


In the wake of the NAR settlement announcement, last month we published an article detailing 100 of the many things that buyer's agents do for their clients. The idea was to hype up buyer's agents during a challenging time and help them navigate conversations when faced with remarks like, "What do real estate agents even do anyway?"

But buyer's agents aren't the only ones who get asked that question. So today, we've rounded up a list of 100 things that listing agents do for their clients.

Like the original article, this list is written as if consumers are reading it, so please feel free to copy and paste this anywhere that it's helpful — on your website, into presentations, your email newsletter, and beyond!

Pre-Listing Activities

  1. Schedule an initial consultation to understand seller's goals and timeline
  2. Conduct a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to determine competitive listing price
  3. Research recent sales of similar properties in the area
  4. Analyze current market trends and adjust pricing strategy accordingly
  5. Provide recommendations for improvements to enhance curb appeal and marketability
  6. Stage the property to showcase its best features and maximize appeal to buyers
  7. Advise on decluttering and depersonalization to create a neutral space
  8. Coordinate professional photography and potentially virtual tours with high-quality visuals
  9. Draft a compelling property description highlighting key features, benefits, and lifestyle factors
  10. Prepare marketing materials, including flyers, brochures, social media posts, and targeted online advertisements
  11. Review and finalize listing agreements, explaining terms and agent compensation
  12. Schedule open houses and manage logistics (signage, refreshments, crowd control)
  13. Market the property through MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and various online platforms
  14. Target marketing efforts to reach qualified buyers in the right demographic
  15. Network with other agents to generate interest and potential buyer leads
  16. Pre-screen potential buyers to ensure they are qualified and serious
  17. Conduct property showings and manage scheduling efficiently
  18. Accompany buyers during showings, answering questions and highlighting property features
  19. Provide feedback to sellers after showings and keep them informed of buyer interest
  20. Obtain feedback from buyers to understand their perspectives and adjust marketing strategy if needed
  21. Research and suggest comparable properties for buyers considering your seller's listing
  22. Advise sellers on the pros and cons of different pricing strategies (fixed price vs. open bidding)
  23. Help sellers understand the role of disclosures required by law in different areas
  24. Coordinate staging consultations with professional stagers if needed
  25. Advise on cost-effective repairs or upgrades that can significantly improve marketability
  26. Help sellers understand tax implications of selling a property (capital gains tax)
  27. Connect sellers with reputable lawyers and tax professionals if needed
  28. Advise on potential closing costs sellers may incur
  29. Explain the role of title companies and the title search process
  30. Help sellers understand homeowner's association (HOA) fees and disclosures they need to provide to the buyer
  31. Assist sellers in gathering pre-listing documents (property deeds, surveys, etc.)
  32. Advise sellers on homeowner's insurance considerations (coverage options, potential changes)
  33. Help sellers with budgeting for pre-listing repairs and improvements
  34. Connect sellers with reliable moving companies for potential post-sale relocation
  35. Provide referrals for home warranty companies for post-sale coverage options
  36. Offer guidance on navigating the emotional aspects of selling a home
  37. Help sellers stage specific rooms to maximize their appeal (kitchen, bathrooms)
  38. Advise on landscaping improvements to enhance curb appeal and outdoor space
  39. Coordinate minor touch-up repairs to address cosmetic issues
  40. Help sellers declutter efficiently and find storage solutions if needed
  41. Provide tips on preparing the home for professional photography
  42. Advise on staging techniques to create a welcoming and spacious feel
  43. Help sellers identify target buyers to tailor marketing efforts
  44. Utilize social media platforms effectively to reach potential buyers
  45. Respond promptly to online inquiries and buyer agent communication
  46. Track online listing performance and adjust marketing strategies as needed
  47. Provide sellers with market updates and ongoing industry insights
  48. Maintain clear and consistent communication with sellers throughout the process
  49. Be available to answer seller questions and address concerns promptly
  50. Hold pre-listing meetings to discuss expectations and answer any last-minute questions

Offer Negotiation

  1. Review all offers with sellers and explain the strengths and weaknesses of each
  2. Negotiate on behalf of the seller to achieve the best possible price and terms
  3. Counter offers strategically to improve the seller's position
  4. Advise on counteroffer terms such as closing date, repairs, concessions, and financing contingencies
  5. Communicate effectively with the buyer's agent to bridge the gap and reach an agreement
  6. Manage communication and expectations between seller and buyer throughout negotiations
  7. Explain the concept of "highest and best" offers and advise sellers on responding strategically
  8. Help sellers understand financing contingencies and potential delays in the closing process
  9. Negotiate on repairs requested by the buyer based on the inspection report
  10. Advise on inspection negotiation strategies to protect the seller's interests
  11. Advocate for the seller's best interests while maintaining a professional and ethical approach
  12. Keep the negotiation process moving forward efficiently
  13. Help sellers understand the concept of "escalation clauses" and their implications
  14. Advise sellers on when to walk away from negotiations if terms are not favorable
  15. Celebrate a successful offer acceptance with the seller!
  16. Review the purchase agreement thoroughly with the seller and explain each clause
  17. Advise on potential counter-offers from other buyers if the initial offer has contingencies
  18. Help sellers navigate the process of withdrawing acceptance if needed due to unforeseen circumstances
  19. Liaise with the escrow officer to ensure a smooth transition into escrow
  20. Coordinate with the buyer's agent on deadlines and document exchange
  21. Advise sellers on potential challenges with financing contingencies and suggest solutions
  22. Help sellers understand homeowner's insurance requirements and navigate obtaining coverage
  23. Advise on potential appraisal gaps and strategies to address them
  24. Negotiate with the buyer's agent on behalf of the seller if the appraisal comes in lower than expected
  25. Keep all parties informed and manage expectations throughout the under-contract phase

Under Contract and Closing

  1. Coordinate with the buyer's agent to schedule inspections (home, pest, radon, etc.)
  2. Assist sellers in gathering necessary documents for closing (title, permits, occupancy certificates)
  3. Liaise with the escrow officer to ensure a smooth closing process
  4. Advise sellers on potential challenges with appraisals and suggest solutions
  5. Help sellers understand the timeline and milestones leading up to closing
  6. Answer seller questions and concerns regarding the contract and closing process
  7. Coordinate any necessary repairs identified during inspections with qualified contractors
  8. Manage communication with all parties involved (buyer, buyer's agent, escrow, title company)
  9. Review closing documents with the seller and explain each section thoroughly
  10. Advise on potential homeowner's association (HOA) move-in/move-out procedures
  11. Help sellers understand homeowner's insurance policy changes and potential costs
  12. Coordinate the transfer of utilities and services to the buyer
  13. Advise on prorating property taxes, homeowner's insurance, and other closing costs
  14. Attend the closing and ensure all paperwork is signed correctly on behalf of the seller
  15. Help sellers navigate the process of forwarding mail and updating relevant accounts
  16. Connect sellers with moving companies or provide recommendations for relocation services
  17. Assist sellers with the final walkthrough of the property before closing
  18. Provide guidance on post-closing tasks such as transferring warranties and registrations
  19. Offer continued support and answer questions even after the closing
  20. Maintain a positive relationship with the seller and potentially represent them in future transactions
  21. Follow up with the seller after closing to ensure a smooth transition
  22. Request feedback from the seller to improve future client experiences
  23. Utilize the successful closing as a marketing tool to showcase expertise
  24. Stay updated on market trends and legal changes to provide the best service to future clients
  25. Continually develop professional skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the curve in the real estate industry

And there it is — 100 things listing agents do for their clients. If you share this list, feel free to edit as needed. After all, you may not do everything on this list, and there are probably several things you do do that aren't listed.

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